Aurora Smiles



Dental Sealants

Are you looking for an extra layer of protection for your teeth? Look no further than dental sealants. Dental sealants are thin, plastic coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, where decay often begins. They act as a barrier, protecting your teeth against cavities and decay-causing bacteria. Here’s why dental sealants might be the right choice for you:

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a preventive dental treatment that can help keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free. They are typically applied to the molars and premolars, which have deep grooves and pits that are difficult to clean with regular brushing.

How Do They Work?

The process of applying dental sealants is quick and painless. First, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned and dried. Then, the sealant material is painted onto the chewing surfaces of the teeth and hardened with a special light. Once in place, the sealants create a smooth surface that prevents food particles and bacteria from getting trapped in the pits and grooves of the teeth, reducing the risk of decay.

Benefits of Dental Sealants:

1. Prevent Cavities:

Dental sealants provide an extra layer of protection against cavities by sealing off the vulnerable areas of the teeth.

2. Easy Maintenance:

Once applied, dental sealants require no special care. Simply continue to brush and floss regularly for optimal oral health.

3. Cost-Effective:

Investing in dental sealants now can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for more extensive and expensive dental treatments down the road.

4. Suitable for All Ages:

While dental sealants are commonly applied to children’s teeth, adults can also benefit from this preventive treatment.

Protecting your smile is essential for maintaining good oral health. Dental sealants offer a simple and effective way to safeguard your teeth against cavities and decay. Whether you’re a child, teen, or adult, dental sealants can help keep your smile healthy and beautiful for years to come.

Ready to take the next step in protecting your teeth? Schedule a consultation with our experienced dental team to see if dental sealants are right for you. Your smile will thank you!

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Opening hours

Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday By Appointment
Sunday Closed